Saturday, 7 March 2015

Spring is just around the corner

The mornings are brighter, the air is sweeter, the birds are singing, and all is well in Fowey. Spring is just around the corner, I can feel it!
What are the signs I hear you ask...
Well, firstly, our magnificent bus stop has just got her new look for the incoming season. We have this fabulous citizen, who has been beautifying the bus stop for about 15 years now, she paints decorates, funds and maintains this fine building. I recall driving into Fowey for the very first time, and seeing this lovely sight as we approached the town, and to think, it was left untouched, in this immaculate state for the entire summer... I was captivated.
Next, most of the village and the surrounding countryside is overflowing with amazing daffodils, primroses, pansys, violets, grape hyacinths, azaleas, tulips, crocus and snowdrops... what a sight!
I kind of feel that there are little pixies that work during the night, making sure that we wake to a lovely vision each morning. 
It seems that the "Fowey in Bloom" people have also been quite busy, planting and watering and preparing our village.
So, check it out for yourselves, magical!

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